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Abstract guidelines

The abstract of communications, both oral and poster, in English and in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), must be sent by 15 June 2024 to the email address:

The file name must match the first author's last name. A specific email will confirm receipt of the abstract.

Please indicate your preference in the email: POSTER or ORAL COMMUNICATION.

The final decision regarding the method of presentation of the contributions (oral communications or posters) will be made by the Scientific Committee of the Meeting.

Page setup: A4 format, left margin 3cm, right, top and bottom margin 2.5cm; single line spacing. Times New Roman font.

  • First line: title of the work (Times New Roman 12, bold, centered);
  • An empty line;
  • Third line: authors' initials name, surnames. In the case of multiple authors, from different institutions or different companies, follow the surname with an Arabic number in superscript format (Times New Roman 10, centered). Separate authors with a comma. Underline the reference author; the author who will present the work must be registered at the Conference;
  • Fourth line: Affiliation(s), preceded, in the case of multiple authors, by the corresponding numerical superscript (Times New Roman 10, centered italics). Separate the different affiliations with a semicolon;
  • An empty line;
  • Text: Times New Roman 12, justified, no first line indentation, no spaces between paragraphs.
  • The maximum length of the contribution is one page. Do not divide the text into sections, do not include bibliographical references;
  • Funding information (optional): Times New Roman 11, italics, justified.